Balance is Productive
For years, I would just go go go...and then every December, I would be sick and unable to get out of bed for two weeks. Eventually, it got to the point where I decided, I was no longer going to allow this to be my story. I would give myself breaks and pauses to balance out all the hard work. And, guess who no longer got sick every year? Me :)
Last week could have been a big potential to get sick. I was in England until Tuesday, spent a day traveling home, had a crystal shop the day after I got home, started teaching a 3 month course around preparing to manifest, had a crystal sale on Saturday, and supported and participated in an epic day of healing on Sunday. Even writing it out makes me a bit exhausted...but the interesting bit is that I wasn't exhausted at all! I was energized and excited and filled with joy, because this is what my life has become!
How did I stay so energized and excited and free of jet lag you ask? I booked a massage a few weeks before I left for the day after I returned. I made sure to give myself time off in between all the work, and I gave myself permission to rest. I took naps with the cats, went for walks in the gardens that I love, read, and nourished my body with foods that felt uplifting and clean.
The thing about rest is that you have to commit to it. Rest is not lying down for an hour and beating yourself up about all the things you should be doing. Rest is lying down and being grateful for the comfort of the space where you are resting. It is surrendering to all your tasks and leaving them outside your front door, even if only for 30 minutes. Rest is an act of Self Love.
When your schedule is full (especially when you are an empath), rest allows you to recharge and reset. Rest allows you to balance the fullness that life can bring. Rest is healthy. Rest is productive.
Side note - avoiding jet lag - Set all your clocks to the new time zone the moment you are going. Set an intention that all of your energy will be with you when you exit the plane. Avoid saying things like...well for me its actually xx:xx (previous time zone). Works like a charm !